Research and notices

Non-commercial research is important to us and may be undertaken to inform and develop our commercial work or as part of personal interest by the directors.

Notices and other short articles may be commercial or non-commercial in nature.

11 articles in Research and notices
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With high temperatures becoming more frequent in British summers, Archaeological Surveys Ltd consider the risks of overheating and heat exhaustion when carrying out geophysical survey.
Posted on 11 August 2020
This short article takes a look at the current state of standards and guidance for archaeological geophysics in England with particular regard to commercial practice.
Posted on 08 July 2020
Francis George Sabin 1939 - 2019
Francis George Sabin passed away in September 2019 after several years of struggling with a number of degenerative illnesses. Francis provided valuable support to Archaeological Surveys Ltd after a long career in engineering.
Posted on 04 November 2019
Magnetic debris is located by virtually all magnetometry surveys and often dismissed as modern topsoil junk. However, we shouldn't be too hasty in considering this material insignificant, it represents something and perhaps could be the only archaeological evidence of a past event, activity, settlement, etc. This article considers sources of magnetic debris and what sort of archaeological information may be derived from it.
Posted on 18 April 2019
World of Work Day
My day of work with Archaeological Surveys LTD carrying out a ground penetrating RADAR survey.
Posted on 12 February 2019
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